Tissue paper is available to buy in a variety of shops, I think even Tesco sell it in packs near the gift wrap. This delicate paper is suitable for a multitude of crafts and one of those that is very popular in the party and wedding industry is tissue paper pom-poms. These beautiful decorations look fabulous in an array of colours and you can make them in similar shades to fit with your theme. Whilst they look fabulous they are actually not that difficult to make. Today I want to share with you this easy tutorial from Martha Stewart so that you can create your own tissue paper pom-poms for your next party or even just to hang in your childrens bedroom, nursery or playroom. Just remember not to hang them where little mischiefs can reach them, I’m sure the pretty colours would make them look very tasty!
Whilst it may seem these pom-poms float they are hung from the ceiling using monafilament. This is often used by jewellery makers to string beads. However thin sewing cotton/thread would also look almost invisable.
Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inch-wide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
Fold an 18-inch piece of floral wire in half, and slip over center of folded tissue; twist. With scissors, trim ends of tissue into rounded or pointy shapes.
Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
Bend wire into a loop to fit around napkin, and twist end around loop to secure.
And now you should have a lovley tissue paper pom-pom! Don’t worry my first attempt was not perfect, but I love the idea of also trying to mix shades of tissue paper in the same pom-pom. Or what about spotty or stripy tissue paper?!
Have fun and be sure to share your attempts with me,